Thursday, November 16, 2006

November 16, 2006

As many of you know we have been concerned about a large spot on Evi’s shin that was not healing like the rest of her leg. On Tuesday we took her to the doctor and the wound specialist at the hospital. They are concerned about the leg and are unsure exactly what is happening with her large open wound. There are large black spots on a lot of the lower leg that is close to the shin. The fear is that all of these black spots will open back up and become more open wounds. We are using a different kind of bandage and are praying that the leg will close up over the next couple of weeks. Once again the option to go back to the OR for another skin graft is a strong possibility. Please pray with us that her leg would heal without having to have another skin graft. Our next appointment is on Wednesday the 22nd.

Evi has really made progress and can’t wait to get her new foot so that she can “run and jump” again. She even talks about the rock that fell on her leg. We are very proud of Evi and she is being such a strong little girl. Once again thank you so much for your prayers, phone calls and words of encouragement. You have truly blessed us during this experience. Leslie and I are discouraged that we taking steps backwards. We were fully expecting to be fitted for a prosthetic before Thanksgiving. Now we are praying that we will be able to do this before Christmas. But God is in control, and we are truly blessed by the generosity of Park Cities Baptist Church and particularly an adult Sunday school class that has adopted us during our stay in Dallas.

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